You have referred to a sharp distinction between "law" and "gospel". This
two-realm theory seems to be a sort of criterion for answering some
important issues in theology and life. I would find it helpful if you
would give us some biblical exegesis supporting such a thesis.
Some questions:
1. How is the two-realm theory related to christology/creation?
2. Is law (as used in the theory) neutral?
3. The biblical story of creation, fall and redemption seems to me
to suggest that sin and salvation holds for the whole cosmos in
its relation to the Trinitarian God. It may be that on this view
gospel needs to redeem law which might break the Lutheran
I am agreeing with you, George, in wanting to call Christians to a fuller
faithful understanding of "science" and I think the sacraments are
integral and primary to moving forward on this understanding.
Kind regards...
Graham E. Morbey, Chaplain || Wilfrid Laurier University
tel. 519-884-1970 ext.2739 || Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5
fax 519-885-4865 ||
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