As much as I agree with your position on the age of the earth, and as
much as I think that the history that you describe is correct, I
think that as things stand now, my description of the ASA is the
correct one. We recognize YEC as a viewpoint held by some Christians
in science--many of us disagree with it and heartily debate against
it. The precise difference between our views, in my opinion, and the
views of these alternative organizations, is that we tolerate
diversity on this issue. They don't--they say... we take a stand on
this issue (YEC) and you can't be a part of our organization. Many,
in fact, believe that organizations like the ASA that don't take a
stand in support of YEC are apostate. That's why they have left, they
can't accept anyone who disagrees on this issue.
A YEC who can is welcome in the ASA--there is nothing in the
Statement of Faith to exclude them and the recently published
commission on creation statement has YEC as one of four viable views
in the ASA.
Some of us may have as our personal agendas the elimination of YEC,
but, at this point in time, I don't think that the ASA as an
organization has that agenda. On the other hand it is clear that
non-YEC folks have a safe-haven and lots of comrades within the
ASA--something that can't be said about many other organizations
If Don, Jack, council members, or others think that I'm mistaken
here, please speak up. I don't want to misrepresent the ASA in what I
say here.
>Terry wrote,
><< Some in the ASA, perhaps the majority,
> want us to come out and say that yes, the earth is old, and this
> conclusion is consistent with both the Bible and science and that the
> young-earth creationists are wrong on this issue. Now I happen to
> agree with this conclusion, but I'm not sure that we want to
> "exclude" young-earthers from the ASA by taking such a strong stand.
> Our Statement of Faith claims etc. >>
>The die has already been cast. The YEC's left the ASA years ago to found
>their own organizations, which represent their opinions very well. Between
>Answers in Genesis and the Creation Research Society, they have $7,000,000/
>year to promote their views. They are still welcome to join the ASA and
>discuss all they want to; but, if the ASA does not take an open, indeed
>aggressive stand against the scientific and biblical obscurantism and
>deception that comes from the YEC side and now dominates the thinking of
>conservative Christianity, who will? We know better; so we have the
-- _________________ Terry M. Gray, Ph.D., Computer Support Scientist Chemistry Department, Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 phone: 970-491-7003 fax: 970-491-1801
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