The Rabbi, The Buddist Monk and the Lawyer

From: Walter Hicks (
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 22:26:31 EDT

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    I have permission from Shuan to tell this.

    Travelling together were a Rabbi, a Buddhist Monk and a Lawyer. It was
    late and they were in the "middle of nowhere" when they saw a farmhouse.
    They stopped at the farmhouse and asked the farmer if they could stay
    for the night. The farmer said that he only had two extra beds so that
    one of them would have to sleep in the barn.

    The Rabbi volunteered and everyone went to sleep. Soon there was a knock
    at the door. The farmer got up to to answer the door. It was the Rabbi
    who said that there was a pig in the barn and he could not sleep with a
    non kosher animal.

    The Buddhist Monk agreed to sleep on the barn. Everyone went back to
    sleep. Soon there was a knock at the door. The farmer got up to answer
    it. It was the Buddhist Monk who said that there was a cow in the barn
    and he could not sleep with a sacred animal.

    So the Lawyer agreed to sleep in the barn. Everyone went back to sleep.
    Soon there was a knock at the door. The farmer got up to answer it. It
    was the pig and the cow.

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