RE: Please show respect (was GEN 1-11: Beyond the concordist debate)

From: Shuan Rose (
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 12:48:56 EDT

  • Next message: Graham Morbey: "Re: GEN 1-11: Beyond the concordist debate"

    It is worth discussing, just not all the freaking time. Christianity is a
    whole more than Gen 1-11. But you would never know it from this listserv.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On
    Behalf Of Jim Eisele
    Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 9:01 PM
    Subject: Please show respect (was GEN 1-11: Beyond the concordist

    Shuan, I heartily oppose the message that you are attempting to convey
    here. I get the distinct impression that you feel discussing concordism
    is "not worthwhile."

    I am a full-fledged member of the ASA. I am President of an organization
    (Genesis in Question) that works feverishly at the historical basis of
    Gen 1 (not even getting into Gen 2-11). I doubt that you have any idea
    how much risk and work is involved in that undertaking. Relationships
    need to be built.

    I found your entire e-mail offensive. One line in particular really
    "stuck in my craw."

    >I think this a short sighted
    >view that ends up in endless (and IMHO) pointless discussions on trying to
    >extract a historical kernel out of Genesis 1-11.

    The entire Bible is EXTREMELY historical. I find it utterly offensive to
    claim otherwise without scientific or historical evidence. I saw you
    present none in your entire e-mail. Quoting scholars is nice, but hardly
    authoritative. And what if your selection of scholars is wrong? We all
    have to stand before a Holy God one day. I'd be very certain Genesis is
    not history before I publicly, strongly claimed otherwise.

    Jim Eisele
    Genesis in Question

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