Re: Genesis & sacramental texts

From: george murphy (
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 18:42:30 EDT

  • Next message: Duff, Robert: "RE: 2900 BC vs. 2350 BC and Bible chronology"

    Glenn Morton wrote:

    > Hi George, you wrote:
    > > You're quite right that sacramental issues have been divisive
    > >especially
    > >since the Reformation. Ecumenical dialogues over the past 40 years
    > >have, however,
    > >resulted in a great deal of progress. So simply not talking about
    > >them or agreeing
    > >to disagree isn't the only way to promote peace.
    > > OTOH, the creation-evolution issue has been even more
    > >divisive over the
    > >past century, & as you point out, issues about stem cells &c are
    > >becoming so.
    > Living now in the UK where I get to see events in Glasgow and Northern
    > Ireland from a little bit closer than before, I would assure you that
    > creation-evolution issues are not nearly as divisive as sacramental issues.
    > Over here you can get killed for being on the wrong side of that fence. And
    > both sides are the wrong side. A few months ago, much to my shame,
    > protestants threw molotov cocktails at little Catholic elementary school
    > kids for merely walking to school through their neighborhood.
    > At least to my knowledge no one is yet killing people over C/E YET!

             Quite right. I didn't mean to suggest that sacramental
    questions are no
    longer divisive anywhere. However, I think it would be misleading to suggest
    that conflict in Northern Island really is about different understandings of
    Eucharistic presence, or even that just about religion. Economic & cultural
    factors & historical resentment & suspicion are major factors.
             & yes, nobody is being firebombed because of C/E differences. OTOH,
    nobody is trying to get transsubstantiation or Zwingli's view of the Eucharist
    into the public schools, as the ID folks are now trying to do with
    their notions
    in Ohio.



    George L. Murphy
    "The Science-Theology Interface"

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