I apologize if I missed it but I am interested in the tree ring data
and I was wondering if you had given a reference for climatological
interpretation of the Mesopotanian region based on tree rings. I
would like to get the original articles for my own collection.
Thanks, Joel
-----Original Message-----
From: MikeSatterlee@cs.com [mailto:MikeSatterlee@cs.com]
Sent: Sat 5/4/2002 8:23 PM
To: dickfischer@earthlink.net; asa@calvin.edu
Subject: 2900 BC vs. 2350 BC and Bible chronology
Hi Dick,
You wrote: What I like about 2900 BC is that it agrees with
others who have
on the subject. For example: Davis Young who wrote, The
Biblical Flood, and
Robert Best who wrote Noah's Ark. Each of us arrived at that date
independently based upon solid data and evidence. ... Now
you, who have done
no research, decide we are all wrong!
I thought you would have learned by now not to underestimate
me. I have done
extensive research on this subject matter, albeit a different kind of
Besides, as I said, a flood the size of the one described in
Genesis would
have amounted to a major change in the climate of
Mesopotamia. Major changes
in climate affect the growth of trees. Tree ring growth
studies indicate tree
growth was affected by a major change in climate in 2350 BC
but not in 2900
BC. The 2900 BC date which you and others have assigned to
Noah's flood is
based on a long series of assumptions. If any of those assumptions is
incorrect the 2900 BC date for Noah's flood is incorrect. The
2350 BC date
which has been recently assigned to Noah's flood by means of a study of
dendrochronology is based on only two assumptions, neither of
which are in
doubt. 1. When trees grow they form one new growth ring every
year. 2. A
traumatic change in climate stunts the growth of trees and
diminishes the
size of their new annual growth rings. So again I ask you, if
your 2900 BC
date for Noah's flood is the correct one why do tree ring
growth studies not
indicate that a major change in climate occurred in that year?
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