Re: Questioning the Big Bang

From: Dr. Blake Nelson (
Date: Fri May 03 2002 - 09:27:47 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Ugaboobah & YHWH"

    --- "Howard J. Van Till" <>
    > The first response that comes to mind is, God's
    > loving relationship to the
    > world.
    > (I will try to get back to your earlier set of
    > comments and questions, but
    > make no promises re when.)

    Thanks. If I could also follow up on eschatological
    hope, I have the following questions.

    Many panentheists describe the hope in objective
    rather than subjective immortality. That either the
    effect we have on God is preserved in God's consequent
    nature or we are preserved in the mind of God.

    I first wonder why this severe diminution of
    eschatological hope is necessary for panentheism (to
    me it does not seem necessary), but it seems in vogue
    with panentheist and process theologians or advocates
    (who often overlap, Birch, Cobb, Hartshorne, etc.). I
    have not read much Griffin and what I have read of
    Haught is fuzzy on eschatalogical hope.

    While our hope always rests on the love of God and the
    example of Christ's resurrection, it seems
    panentheists diminish this hope.

    First, the being preserved in consequent nature is no
    more than the fact that say my pets or friends have
    effects on me and how I think. I do not know how
    hopeful being remembered is when it provides no ground
    for additional experience on my part.

    Second, if we assume we are more concretely preserved
    in the mind of God. How is this practically different
    than conceiving of the universe as a block universe
    where there exists some finite points in time where we
    "always exist"?

    In either of these scenarios, aside from the ability
    to work out redemption in this life there does not
    seem to be hope for individual redemption, or a
    redemption of creation generally. Merely the
    enriching of God's experience which at best is a
    vaguely warm fuzzy feeling about being meaningful to
    God at worst can be portrayed as a God concerned
    primarily with his own experience and secondarily with
    us not as ourselves but how we contribute to that

    Whenever you have a chance, your thoughts would be



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