Re: Truth

From: Walter Hicks (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 22:19:00 EDT

  • Next message: Walter Hicks: "Re: Black Sea Flood"

    Jan de Koning wrote:

    > My uncle showed in his study about the El Amarna
    > tablets and the OT (in Dutch, published in 1942), that numbers in the early
    > books of the Bible do not make sense in a modern sense. To illustrate that
    > he took the size of Jericho when Israel invaded Canaan. That size is
    > available through the excavations. He compared it with the number of men
    > that had to walk each day around the city, and the seventh day seven
    > times. That is clearly impossible, if we take the modern sense of the
    > numbers used. Even when we replace "thousand" by "clan" it appears to be
    > impossible.

    What little I have read indicates that Jericho was a fairly small place.
    How would that make marching around it impossible? Was it really large
    and I have been misinformed?


    Walt Hicks <>

    In any consistent theory, there must exist true but not provable statements. (Godel's Theorem)

    You can only find the truth with logic If you have already found the truth without it. (G.K. Chesterton) ===================================

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