Re: Questioning the Big Bang

From: JW Burgeson (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 20:03:27 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: Questioning the Big Bang"

    Michael wrote: "An panentheist god is no god and I can hear lots of good Sci
    and Religion types wanting to jump down my throat... ."

    If you have studied Griffin's RELIGION AND SCIENTIFIC NATURALISM as well as
    Whitehead's 1925 lectures (and possibly other similar sources) and have come
    to that conclusion, then let me state I would not think of "jumping."

    I have done so and come to a different conclusion than you, but that's OK --
    I do not agree with Griffin either -- but to say his model of a god is "no
    god" is not, IMHO, correct.

    All models of God are, in the last analysis, flawed and incomplete. Some
    more than others.


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