Re: Another thing people can throw rocks at

From: JW Burgeson (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 11:00:57 EDT

  • Next message: JW Burgeson: "Panentheism (was Questioning the Big Bang)"

    Wally wrote, in part: "foo on George for poo-pooing such "concordism" -- or
    whatever it is."


    I suggest that George did not so much disparage concordism as point out
    that, in the case of a reconciliation of Gen 1-11 that it was a failed
    project. At least to date. Glenn has come closest (IMHO) to putting forth an
    intellectually respectable support of it, and in so doing has provided us
    with a wealth of data. Data that says to me that the particular view I hold,
    that Gen 1-11 are "family stories," or "myth," and any apparent coincidences
    with what "modern science" at any particular time may say is just that --

    Glenn, I see you have left YEC but you have not yet left the YEC mindset.
    And that's OK BTW; I applaud you for sticking to your guns on your quest.
    But try to get your mind around the following:

    In a recent class here at Iliff, a Native American was lecturing. He was
    both a Native American and a Ph-D professor of -- I think -- biochemistry.
    At one time in the lecture he wished to express his thoughts by telling an
    Indian folk story.

    He began with the words "Now I don't know if the things I am about to tell
    you really happened, but I do know that this story is true."

    Try to get your mind around that.

    The "Good Samaritan" events never happened, but that story is true.
    The unjust steward was a fiction story, but that story is true.
    The drama in the book of Job never happened, but that drama is true.
    Jonah was never swallowed by a big fish, but that story is true.
    Adam and Eve are not historical persons, but Gen 1-11 is true.

    Some events recorded in scripture really happened. Others, unless one is a
    literalist, did not and could not. Still others are debatable.

    The resurrection event really happened. But all models of that event are
    man-made and necessarily imperfect.

    Jesus really did utter SOME last words before he died. But we are not
    altogether sure which of his "seven last sayings" was the last.

    Did Jesus make wine from water at Cana? This seems to be among the debatable
    ones. I strongly favor the view that it is factual. But I don't think my
    vote counts.

    Think of Gen 1-11 being told around the campfire to a nomad band of fleeing
    slaves. The speaker begins by saying, "Now I don't know if the things I am
    about to tell you really happened, but I do know that this story is true."


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