Re: Black Sea Flood

From: JW Burgeson (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 10:28:52 EDT

  • Next message: JW Burgeson: "Re: Black Sea Flood"

    George, commenting on my depiction of Marcus Borg, wrote: "1) & it's rather
    puzzling that today, when we are coming more & more to
    an understanding of the human as body-soul-spirit-mind unity, that some
    Christians want to talk about some sort of disembodied survival as
    meaningful in the case of Jesus."

    I do not claim to completely understand Borg, but I see no claim of
    "disembodied survival" in what he writes. I may, of course, be misreading

    "Abandonment of belief in resurrection of the body (i.e.,
    transformation of the body which has died) means also abandonment of the
    idea that the material world has any significance for the future God intends
    for creation."

    You will have to try harder on this one. That's a claim you have made; what
    are your grounds for it? Obviously, I do not see it the way you do.

    "Paul's emphasis on "Christ crucified" shows the identity of Jesus the
    man and Christ the Lord. It is the Christ who was crucified. The
    resurrection is significant because it is the resurrection of the

    I believe Borg speaks to this, arguing otherwise of course. Borg argues that
    it was Jesus who was crucified and Christ who was resurrected. In his
    lecture series at Montview Blvd Presbyterian Church, Denver, in MArch, he
    was asked the question "What do you think happened to the physical body
    (corpse) of Jesus?" Borg responded that the question was of essentially no
    interest to him -- that if it turned out that the corpse of Jesus had been
    eaten by the wild birds, it would make no difference to his theology.

    Again I point out that Borg's theology is not mine. Clearly Borg would
    disagree with your last sentence I have quoted above. He says, of course,
    that the resurrection is significant, but on the basis of different
    reasoning than yours.

    The book THE MEANING OF JESUS, co-authored by Borg & Wright (Wright is a
    conservative theologian) is probably a good way to study all this stuff.
    Wright's position, George, I see as very close to yours. And mine.

    Still friends. Borg & Wright. Murphy & Burgeson. I hope so.


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