European boycott of contacts with Israeli scientists

From: Preston Garrison (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 02:22:32 EDT

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    I received this message and thought that some of you might want to
    respond to this. The lead editorial in Nature today also condemns
    this European scientific boycott of Israel.

    Preston G.

    Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 10:43:26 -0500
    From: "Jenkinson, Christopher P" <>
    Subject: Protest against call for European boycott of academic and
    cultural ties with Israel

    Dear Colleagues,

    This is a legitimate issue of academic freedom. I urge you to stand
    up and be counted.

    Thank you,

    Chris Jenkinson, PhD.

    From: Judith Jochnowitz -International Liaison
    Subject: Protest against call for European boycott of academic and
    cultural ties with Israel

    Dear Colleague

    As you know, a petition to boycott all academic and cultural

    relations with Israel was initiated in Europe. Irrespective of political

    views, blocking publications of Israeli scientists just because they are

    Israeli is unheard of. Such a boycott has nothing to do with freedom of

    speech. It has to do with pushing politics into the academia as well as

    mixing political views and arguments with academic affairs.

         I think that if our faculty will not be able publish, for example in

    first class journals, or denied access to conferences (let alone not be

    invited as speakers) or Israeli proposals refused to be refereed (as has

    already happened) or scientist will refrain from visiting us here (as has

    already happened) we all will be damaged professionally and the academic

    life that we cherish so much will be damaged forever.

        A counter petition to the above can be joined. This is the site for

    joining our petition:


    Protest against call for European boycott

    of academic and cultural ties with Israel


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    Judith Jochnowitz
    International Liaison
    Western Galilee Hospital
    P.O.B. 21
    22100 Nahariya, Israel
    Phone: 972-(0)4-910-7501

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