Re: Adam and Eve

From: george murphy (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 20:29:14 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Black Sea Flood"

    JW Burgeson wrote:

    > I wrote:
    > >"The eternal destiny of human beings
    > >will be measured by how much or how little solidarity
    > >we have displayed with the hungry, the thirsty,
    > >the naked, and the oppressed.
    > >In the end, we will be judged in terms of love."
    > George replied: "This kind of thing is why the Reformation was necessary."
    > George, I did write more than just the above. To me, the above speaks of how
    > we will experience the heavenlies, not how or whether we will get there.

             I have no problem with the idea that the "rewards" of those who "build
    upon the foundation" (cf. I Cor.3:10-15) will be different. But justification
    is a crucial issue that demands absolute clarity.



    George L. Murphy
    "The Science-Theology Interface"

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