Re: Black Sea Flood

Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 16:39:43 EDT

  • Next message: bivalve: "agreement"


    As you know, folks like Dick Fischer and I believe that the Bible does not
    refer to Adam as the first man in an absolute chronological sense. We see no
    problem with understanding that we are not all Adam's descendants. Why?
    Because we believe that we do not have to be physically descended from Adam
    be condemned by God for his one act of disobedience. Just as we do not have
    to be physically descended from Jesus Christ to be declared righteous by God
    because of his one act of righteousness.

    For as Romans 5:18 tells us, "Just as the result of one trespass was
    condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness was
    justification that brings life for all men."

    We believe that both Adam and Christ acted on behalf of the entire human
    race. Adam acted unrighteously and by so doing brought God's condemnation
    upon our race. Jesus acted righteously and by so doing brought God's
    justification upon our race.

    I don't see that such an understanding has to be looked upon as a major
    departure from orthodoxy. For such an understanding says that we all stand
    condemned because of Adam's sin, and that we have all "inherited" from Adam
    the results of his sin. After all, the Bible does tell us that it is possible
    to "inherit" things from someone we are not physically related to. For the
    New Testament tells us many times that Christians will "inherit" both the
    kingdom of God and eternal life Jesus Christ.


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