devotional books

From: Mccarrick Alan D CRPH (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 08:20:07 EDT

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    I'll make two suggestions for you.

    If you like Foster, then you might like a book he edited, "Devotional
    Classics". It is a collection of excerpts of the faithful from 2nd
    to 20th centuries and from protestant, catholic to Quaker authors.
    Each devotional starts with a brief biography, the excerpt, followed
    by a scripture passage and Foster's reflections and applications. I
    believe that their are 30 or so. A second volume has come out.

    A little different might be "Money and Power" by Jacques Ellul, the
    French sociologist/economist (he's been gone for over a decade I
    guess.) Ellul tries to unravel the Bible's teaching on
    possessions/money; form the OT where wealth is often a sign of God's
    blessing and approval to the NT where wealth and the wealthy are
    almost uniformly evil and cruel. He's a good read and challenges us
    to step back from the material things around us. It may not sound
    "devotional," but I assume that you will be coming back to the
    "world" as the old monks used to say.

    Al McCarrick

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