Re: Virgin Birth

From: Keith B Miller (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 09:21:31 EST

  • Next message: Keith B Miller: "RE: Human origins and doctrine"

    Jon asked:

    >> Now I take the Virgin Birth as a "given". In that case, in the light of
    >> the modern understanding of what happens at conception, how do we
    >> understand it, and more importantly, what is the theological
    >> justification?

    My currrent view on this is that the virgin birth was a "sign" pointing to
    the incarnation. It, like the resurrection, was an affirmation of Jesus'
    divine character. I guess I would say that the virgin birth was not a
    requirement for the incarnation but a sign pointing to it.

    I would value the response of those with theological training of which I
    have none.


    Keith B. Miller
    Department of Geology
    Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

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