Hello a Little bit Early

From: Jim Eisele (jeisele@starpower.net)
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 12:34:44 EST

  • Next message: D. F. Siemens, Jr.: "Re: Genesis One and Concordism (was a lot of other things previously)"

    I realize that my first plan was at least a 7 day absence. Judging by the
    volume of e-mail, I'm "glad" that I managed to stay away at least 4 days.
    Unfortunately, I just don't have time to read it. I apologize if that seems
    unfair to anyone.

    One reason I can't "stay away" is that it is the beginning of the weekend.
    We're all busy, and it takes a lot of time to thoughtfully respond to
    e-mails. I didn't want to start creating a lot of discussion during the
    work week, if avoidable.

    I'm not sure where we are all at with Genesis One and Concordism.

    If anyone likes, I would be happy to take new e-mails. I respectfully
    request that objections to the prophetic narrative view be voiced one at a

    Hopefully this has been constructive. E-mail can be tough, but at least it
    quickly and cheaply gets everyone involved. I hope that everyone had a good
    work week. -Jim

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