Re: evolution and race

From: Richard Kouchoo (
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 19:31:17 EST

  • Next message: "Re: evolution and race"

    >>> Evolution has a pretty sordid history in this regard, let alone the
    link with eugenics that many liberal Protestant theologians and scientists
    promoted (as well as secular scientists) at the turn of the century.
    Obviously that doesn't falsify the theory...<<<

    Doesn't it?
    Many on this list keep whimpering about the insipidness of God creating it all,
    just a few thousand years ago. They effectively make God out to be a liar, if
    that creative act did indeed take place. But when it comes to evolution being
    practically a racist philosophy, those same people cannot comprehend the cruelty
    of a god who would create in a way so as to foster this evil. Justifying a god
    who would create through cruelty is no justification at all for in such a
    scheme, justice is really, non-existent!

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