RE: Darwinism

From: Hofmann, Jim (
Date: Tue Feb 19 2002 - 21:12:48 EST

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Darwinism"

    I would recommend "The Emperor's New Clothes: Biological Theories of Race at
    the Millennium" by Joseph L. Graves Jr. (2001 by Rutgers). You can find a
    tape of Graves'testimony on a recent Louisiana House Proposal at entry
    19.2dg of the website below.

    Jim Hofmann
    Philosophy Department and Liberal Studies Program
    California State University Fullerton

    -----Original Message-----
    From: John W Burgeson []
    Sent: Tue 2/19/2002 3:56 PM
    Subject: Darwinism

    I received the following comment (not on this list) from a fellow ASAer
    whom I respect but do not always agree with. He was commenting on the
    DISCOVERY article about the PBS broadcast.

    "Darwinism was historically a product of racism. That has been
    documented in many ways. We may whitewash it, but it is a fact. To put it
    another way, "social Darwinism" preceded Darwinism. Wealthy Europeans
    wanted to have a good excuse why they should not be compassionate--
    letting the weak die off is good for the race. This view persisted quite
    overtly until after WWII."

    I'm looking for a reasonable published refutation of this statement.


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