Re: Mortenson, etc

From: Jan de Koning (
Date: Thu Feb 07 2002 - 15:57:11 EST

  • Next message: Tom Pearson: "RE: Do animals ever "sin" (was something else)"

    At 03:01 PM 07/02/02 -0500, wrote:

    >Given the fact that people as late and as sophisticated as Augustine
    >understood Gen 1:16 literally, there can be no question that the original
    >hearers of Gen 1:16 understood the words literally.

    Did they? The original hearers were not steeped in Greek philosophy, no
    matter what kind. Augustine did not belong to the people who originally
    heard these texts in Hebrew. Hebrew thinking in the OT was not
    philosophical, nor scientific. So, to draw conclusions like this is not
    very scholarly. One should try to penetrate the way people in Semitic
    countries were thinking 4000 years ago. I don't think, that anyone in the
    last 2000 years could do that correctly. Though, generally speaking
    pre-scientific thinking was more in stories and parables, I believe. That
    is true for Western thinking as well.

    God's inspiration does not mean that God would speak to people who could
    not read in scientifically exact language. They would not understand it,
    nor grasp the meaning of it.

    Jan de K.

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