Re: The oldest living plants

From: Stein Stromme (
Date: Fri Feb 01 2002 - 07:15:56 EST

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    [Glenn Morton]

    | However, an article out yesterday notes plants even older. This is another
    | young-earth argument that is dying on the vine. Part of article follows
    | ****
    | PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (AP) - Along an unremarkable stretch of desert on the
    | outskirts of town, just off a road named for singing cowboy Gene Autry and
    | tucked amid heaps of garbage raked by winds strong enough to polish granite,
    | Jim Cornett thinks he's found the world's oldest living thing.
    | Radiocarbon tests now under way may reveal the unassuming creosote bush
    | sprouted 11,000 or more years ago, the scientist said, meaning it could
    | rival in age another creosote bush growing 50 miles away in the Mojave
    | Desert.

    How does radiocarbon dating apply to living organisms?


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    Stein Arild Str鴐me                     Tel: (+47) 2212 2521
    Centre for Advanced Study               Fax: (+47) 2212 2501
    Drammensveien 78                  <>
    N-0271 Oslo, Norway          <>  

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