>From: "Lawrence Johnston" <johnston@uidaho.edu>
> Dear ASA Listers:
> Seems to me that "Staged Creation" is more than hinted at, in the "days" of
> creation in
> Genesis 1. What happened at later "Stages" can easily be described as
> imparting further
> *structure*, i. e. *Information*. Note the *words* of God, "Let there be . . .
> In this view, when life appears, it is because God miraculously imparts the
> required
> structural information to the atoms,"Tinker-Toy" fashion. The atoms would
> thereafter be
> obeying slavishly God's established laws of Nature, including the Second Law
> Thermodynamics, but now these new structures, complex living cells,
> would continue
> reorganizing the old matter, still using the laws of Physics, as they
> duplicated their
> informaion in cell fission.
> And when it came time for new body plans (phyla?) to appear, I can see
> God again
> injecting huge required amounts of new structural information. "And God said.
. . "
> Blessings, Larry Johnston
> --
Thanks, Larry, for a candid statement of an episodic creationist (which
includes most versions of Intelligent Design) portrait of God's creative
work. As you know, I prefer a different portrait, but I appreciate your
Howard Van Till
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