>From: Peter Ruest <pruest@pop.mysunrise.ch>
> My difference to Howard's view is the timing of God's introducing
> information. He believes it all occurred at the big bang, but I hold
> this as preposterously unlikely, given what we know of cosmology and
> biology. From theology, we know about providence, but what is its
> possible "mechanism" in scientific language?
I have not found the idea of "introducing information" to be a particularly
fruitful language for talking about this issue.
I prefer to speak of God giving being to a Creation that includes all manner
of _potential_ structures & configurations (including potential organisms)
and also with the formational capabilities for actualizing these
potentialities. The potentialities are there from the beginning as part of
the _being_ of the Creation. Actualization occurs in time as formational
capabilities (also there from the beginning) are employed. Nothing
(including information, however it is defined) needs to be added to
compensate for something not there.
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