> From: "Howard J. Van Till" <hvantill@novagate.com>
> To: bivalve@mail.davidson.alumlink.com, asa@calvin.edu
> Subject: Re: Proabbility from What does the creation lack?
> Date: Fri, Oct 26, 2001, 6:48 PM
> >From: "bivalve" <bivalve@mail.davidson.alumlink.com>
> > I'm not sure about the right, but I do not think we have the data to make
> > meaningful calculations regarding the probabilities of producing creaturely
> > systems.
> Agreed. Hence my rejection of the typical ID or episodic creationist "it
> couldn't have been formed naturally" claim. There is simply too much
> ignorance about natural possibilities, where "natural" means, for the
> Christian, "by the creation's employment of the full menu of its God-given
> capabilities."
> Howard Van Till
Of course, we don't have sufficient data for calculations in most cases.
But if cosmologists know enough about cosmology to formulate an
anthropic cosmological principle, biologists know enough about biology
to formulate a meaningful anthropic biological principle.
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