>>Nevertheless, there are many similarities among embryos or juveniles that are readily explained by evolution from a common ancestor but remain problematic for limited evolution advocates such as most intelligent design and young earth creationists. <<
>A common design by the Common Designer...where's the problem?
Design is a problematic word in this context. Certainly it is designed in the sense that God planned it and carried it out. However, intelligent design, as defined by the Discovery Institute et al., also conveys the implication that the design was implemented in a non-natural manner. This fails to explain two aspects of the commonalities seen among organisms (including the developmental similarities).
First, there is the pattern of commonalities. For example, humans are most similar to other primates in most features, somewhat less similar to other placental mammals, etc. Oysters are most similar to pearl oysters, somewhat less similar to pen shells, etc. Why would a form-imposing designer produce this particular pattern of similar design use? Would it not make more sense to use the same design for all features with the same function? Or, if the goal is to leave obvious fingerprints, why not create a pattern unlike what should be expected from biological evolution and common descent?
Secondly, there are the many non-functional commonalities. Why should mammal ear bones start at the jaw and shift during the course of development? Why not stick them where they are needed to begin with? Why do sea slugs twist and then untwist in development? This seems like a clumsy way of work for a form-imposing designer, though perfectly plausible as design constrained by the choice of natural means.
Hopefully this clarifies my previous brief statement.
In Christ,
Dr. David Campbell
Old Seashells
46860 Hilton Dr #1113
Lexington Park MD 20653 USA
That is Uncle Joe, taken in the masonic regalia of a Grand Exalted Periwinkle of the Mystic Order of Whelks-P.G. Wodehouse, Romance at Droigate Spa
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