Re: What does the creation lack?

From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Thu Oct 25 2001 - 19:31:18 EDT

  • Next message: Moorad Alexanian: "RE: Why us? Uneven aid"

    Norm Woodward asks:

    > First, what does creaturely system mean?

    A creature is any member of the creation (created universe). A such, a
    creature could be anything from an elementary particle (as a high energy
    physicist would use that term) to an atom, molecule, rock, planet, galaxy,
    living cell, organism, etc.

    A system may be defined as "an assemblage or combination of things or parts
    forming a complex or unitary whole."

    By creaturely system I mean any system that is a member of the creation.
    There is obviously lots of overlap in the meanings of creature and
    creaturely system.

    Howard Van Till

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