extremist views

From: Dawsonzhu@aol.com
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 21:30:08 EDT

  • Next message: Cmekve@aol.com: "Theological reflection on Just War"

    Oops, I was planning to skip posting this but I
    missed the "X" button and seem to have posted it
    instead. Stuck now...., here is the book

    The "God" Part of the Brain
    by Matthew Alper

    There are several useful comments that give a good
    idea of the content. However, one reviewers
    comments in particular was:

    I found this book to be quite relevant for the time.
    I heard an interview with this author while he was
    being scoffed at for even mentioning religious war...
    and look what just happened!

    This was posted just after Sept 11th, so the venting
    of frustration is completely understandable.

    However, this is the atheist side blaming the
    so-called pious. Obviously, the whole world
    will be beautiful only when "religion" (other
    people's religion that is) is removed from the

    Extremist "religionist" often seem to purport to
    know what is wrong with the world, and blame
    the all the other "religions" for the _all_ the
    disasterous problems that have occurred. Therefore,
    I suggest that such views are "not even wrong".

    That does not however mean that evolution is wrong,
    nor does it mean because we have evolved a sense of
    God, that that "sense" is completely false.

    by Grace we proceed,
    Ladies and Gentemen, let me propose that we when someone
    claims to have a simple solution for a complex problem,
    we should be very wary.
        --- Credited to one of my most influential
        history teachers at Foothill college. Dr. Ross

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