Loren Wilkinson's excellent essay in "Darwin Defeated: The
Johnson-Lamoureux Debate on Biological Origins" made the point that
the terms natural and supernatural come from the
enlightenment. Following C.A. Coulson (the person to coin "God of the
Gaps"), Wilkinson argues that a fuller Christian view sees that everything
we see reflects miracle in a very real sense, but the sense of miracle
is diminished because we are used to seeing it. For example the idea
of supernatural versus natural is foreign to the psalms which see
God providing rain, snow, etc.
Having become conscious of the inappropriateness of these terms, I am
finding that I lack a vocabulary with which to replace them. How do we
construct a more Christian way of looking at and speaking about
Joel W. Cannon | (724)223-6146
Physics Department |
Washington and Jefferson College |
Washington, PA 15301 |
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