Re: The Root of Terrorism

Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 10:06:26 EDT

  • Next message: Gordon Simons: "Intelligent design" wrote:

    > The real ideological root of terrorism is Darwinism and Materialism
    [complete snip]

    Yes, the world will turn into the garden of Eden as
    soon as we get rid of those evolutionists. Look at
    how beautiful the world was during the reformation,
    the crusades, the Roman Empire. And let's not forget
    beloved Assyria. Some people just don't have a sense
    of humor. They were only having a little fun. It was
    a garden of Eden before Charles Darwin, and now look how
    rotten the world has become.

    You see, it is really very simple.... NOT

    by Grace alone we proceed,

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