To: Hakan Karli
From: Lucy Masters
The thinking you expressed in your post is extraordinarily disturbing.
My first hope is that you are very young (are you?). If so, there is
hope that more reading and more of life's experiences will adjust your
view. While we are all entitled to our opinions, there was so much
lacking by way of fact in your essay as to prompt concern. You are
aware, are you not, that many terrorists do not subscribe to Darwinism,
do not "believe in" evolution? I assume you must be aware that what
today we call "terrorism" existed long before anyone gave a thought to
God, creationism, or evolution? Have you considered that many folks who
spend the most time spouting off about God also spend the most time
killing others who do not share their view? Please tell me you do not
actually believe what you wrote but instead were reacting in a moment of
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