I have never actually read the entire Koran,
but I've heard many experts comment on it.
Apparently it is a near copy and transliteration
of the Christian Bible effected by Mohammed around
700 A.D.
Moslems believe there is a God, identical to the
Christian God and the Moslem name of God is rendered
as "Allah".
The Mormons have their own "transliteration" of
the Christian Bible called the "Book of Mormon"
transliterated by their prophet Smith, and they
certainly consider themselves Christians.
After all, Catholics and Protestants are both
considered Christian denominations because they
recognize the NT, but Islam also recognizes Jesus
and the NT in it's interpretation. Why then isn't
Islam essentially another Christian denomination?
Should Christianity consider Islam as
"The 3rd Denomination" of Christianity after
Catholicism and Protestantism?
-- Be sure to visit my website below ----------------------------------------------------------- George Hammond, M.S. Physics Email: ghammond@mediaone.net Website: http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html -----------------------------------------------------------
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