Dick Fischer wrote:
"Contrast that message with Howard Van Till's that there is a God and there
is evolution. If Howard is wrong, no harm done. If PJ is wrong (and he
is), he has given all those who know or believe in the science of evolution
a reason to disbelieve. His message only hardens those who might otherwise
believe. At the same time, he gives Christians a false message which
sounds plausible enough, but do we gain any new Christians? I think not.
If I thought that my message had the potential of causing any person to
reject the gospel of Jesus Christ I would rather that God remove me from
the playing field. Far better my physical life be shortened then that
anyone should endure an eternity of "weeping," "wailing," and "gnashing of
teeth" (Matt. 8:12; 13:42; 13:50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28).
We might disagree as to whether his overall impact is positive or negative,
but many on this list have voiced strong objections to his message, and I
agree with them. Would Christianity fare better with some if its soldiers
off the battle field and in the infirmary? Yes, I believe it would.
*****end of Fischer quote*****
As one who has battled Phil and his group for quite a while, I think the
above is quite disgusting. I hope Phil recovers completely and I hope Mr.
Fischer learns to control his mouth.
This type of unloving, uncharitable attitude gives Christians a really bad
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