Re: PBS Evolution (and Keith Miller)

From: George Hammond (
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 18:03:25 EDT

  • Next message: Brent Foster: "Re: Adam and Eve, from Re: PBS Evolution (and Keith Miller)"

    Mark Hubbard wrote:
    > I have been watching the PBS series that last couple of nights and
    > was wondering what Christians think about where Adam came into
    > the picture in the common descent idea. Shortly thereafter Keith
    > Miller came on and, in response to a question, mentioned that God
    > may have chosen an early man to breath life and spirit into (I hope
    > I'm paraphrasing Keith fairly)
    > Are there other thoughts and ideas on how Adam and the garden
    > coincide with current human evolutionary theory? I would be
    > interested in hearing any.
    > (and to think I knew Keith Miller before he was a famous, PBS
    > star.....)
    > Thanks,
    > Mark

       The Wheaton Wonders certainly are a handsome
    looking group of kids. Certainly the flower of
    the nation and the hope of the future.
       They may represent the only group of young
    people who have any idea there is a God in this
    country... certainly a privileged education
    for a 20 year old kid. I wish I'd been privy to
    it that age instead of being rag tag no nothing
    country bumpkin.
       But, I think they deserve more than Kieth Miller
    was able to tell them. Frankly I think middle aged
    adults seriously underestimate the concern of these
    young people or what they might do. For example the
    Jefferson High students who challenged their school
    board over "Special Creation".
       Getting back to Wheaton... why hasn't some genius
    like Polkinghorne suggested to these kids that Adam
    and Eve were simply the first two Homo Sapiens Sapiens
    born 40,000 years ago? (40,000 is close enough
    to 6,000 on a scale of 1 to 15-billion after all).
    This would identify Adam and Eve as "real people", the
    first two people of our species, and factually justify
    the Creation story and Genesis. Fact is, it would
    explain the "Creation of our World" since these two
    first H.s.s. were the first two people to have a true
    human brain, which after all, does "create the World".
       The fact is, that modern Paleontologists are in fact
    searching for Adam and Eve what with all their bone
    collecting, and there is a good chance they may
    actually eventually find them.
       This would explain "Creation" as the creation of
    the first true human beings, and yet also explain
    "Evolution" also. Since the advent of the two first
    true human beings (our species) marks the beginning
    of the "world as we see it" it therefore constitutes
    the "special Creation" of the World.
       I think somebody better start being more
    concerned about the misuse of our most valuable
    capitol equipment... those young people, and start
    coming up with some more realistic answers about God
    and Religion. If they don't, the Creationist Revolution,
    which is going to occur anyway from the looks of it,
    is simply going to come into the world without a
    legitimate birth certificate.

    Be sure to visit my website below
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics

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