Recent Events - Again

From: Lucy Masters (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 16:13:15 EDT

  • Next message: Vernon Jenkins: "Re: The ASA List"

    To All:

    Thanks, Ted, for your comments. Like everyone, I've heard enough
    "experts" in the last week to choke a horse, but yesterday I listened to
    one on the radio on my way out of Dallas. Sorry I didn't get his name;
    he was already speaking when I got in the car. He was clearly from the
    Middle East. Anyway, he had the most interesting perspective. A
    caller, genuinely interested in trying to reach out to our enemies,
    asked the speaker what, if anything, the United States could do to stop
    the hatred some folks have for us in the fundamentalist Islamic world.
    He said, "There are two, and only two, things the United States can do.
    The first is to die. The second is to move to another planet."

    He then went on to explain that from the perspective of these particular
    fundamentalists, it isn't so much a question of our society encroaching
    on theirs. They have such tight control over their people that they can
    effectively prohibit the distribution of our music, movies, clothes and
    so on. He explained that it is much more a belief that we in the United
    States simply do not deserve to live and absolutely cannot share this
    planet with the fundamentalists. He said it is our EXISTENCE that brews
    hatred from these people.

    This is a pretty tall order and totally outside the mindset of the
    average American who is steeped in a society that tries to respect all
    religions and cultures. For the life of me (and indeed, it may be my
    life at stake), I cannot think of a way to negotiate with such an
    entrenched ideology.


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