Re: Condolences

From: George Hammond (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 07:26:36 EDT

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Sept 11th as viewed from space"

    > Iain Strachan wrote:
    > My heartfelt condolences to everyone on the list in the USA, particularly
    > those who are worried about families in NY, following the Terrorist
    > attack. It is hard for us over here to begin to imagine what Americans
    > must be feeling at this moment.

    A moment of silence 3 heroic take charge guys named:

    Jeremy Glick
    Thomas Burnett
    Mark Bingham

      All young passengers on United Airlines Flight 93 who, cockpit
    transcripts and cell phone tapes show apparently rushed the
    hijackers along with other male passengers after they found out
    they were headed for a Washington DC target and certain death.
      In the ensuing hand to hand struggle the plane apparently went
    out of control and crashed in remote Pennsylvania killing everyone
    onboard... but probably saving hundreds or thousands of lives in
    Washington. In fact the plane may have been headed for the U.S.
    Congress where it would have killed hundreds of U.S. Senators and
    Congressmen and effectively wiped out the U.S. Government. All 3
    men were in their early 30's, and left wives and children behind.
      I guess this pretty much sums up what eventually is going to be
    the world response to all this.

    Be sure to visit my website below
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics

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