Divine limits

From: Tom Pearson (pearson@panam1.panam.edu)
Date: Wed Sep 05 2001 - 23:20:48 EDT

  • Next message: Tom Pearson: "Divine limits"

    At 11:19 AM 09/05/2001 -0400, James Stark wrote:

    >Our evidence of God's self-limitation is not confined to scripture.
    >Does not God's gift of freedom imply that God chose to limit God's freedom?

    What gift of freedom?

    I would certainly support George Murphy's earlier comment today
    discouraging the tendency to oppose human freedom to divine freedom
    (although I'd be more than a "bit" wary of the idea). If human beings
    possess significant freedom (and I'm not convinced that they do), it does
    not follow that this would entail any particular consequence for divine
    freedom, as George pointed out.

    I'll say it right out loud: why are some folks so interested in cutting God
    down to a managable size? Why is there such an unwavering commitment to
    the primacy of a notion of will, both divine and human, and to the further
    notion of a "free" will, both divine and human, even if that commitment
    encourages an abandonment of the traditional and orthodox doctrine of God?
    I'd truly like to understand.

    Tom Pearson

    Thomas D. Pearson
    Department of History & Philosophy
    The University of Texas-Pan American
    Edinburg, Texas
    e-mail: pearson@panam1.panam.edu


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