On homosexuality

From: Cmekve@aol.com
Date: Tue Sep 04 2001 - 23:38:06 EDT

  • Next message: D. F. Siemens, Jr.: "Re: New thread: Mathematical truth (Was a sin-off of Re: How Einstein and Hammond proved God exists)"

    I hesitate to jump into this discussion, but I thought I could at least point
    out some relevant work that evangelical psychologist David G. Myers (Hope
    College) has done. His web site has a number of comments and links, but I
    would note the short article at
    entitled "Accepting What Cannot Be Changed". He makes the following points:

    1) "There is no known parental or psychological influence on sexual

    2) "Unlike sexual behavior and other moral tendencies, sexual orintation
    appears unaffected by an active faith."

    3) "Today's greater tolerance seems not to have amplified homosexuality."

    4) "Biological factors are more and more looking to be important."

    5) "Efforts to change one's sexual orientation usually (some say, virtually
    always) fail."

    Myers develops each of these points and ends with these final thoughts:

    "When torn between judgment and grace, let us err on the side of grace.
    When torn between self-certain conviction and uncertain humility, let us err
    on the side of humility.
    When torn between contempt and love, let us err on the side of love.
    In so doing we may be more faithful disciples of the one who embodied grace,
    humility, and love."

    Karl V. Evans

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