Re: Is Jonah to be taken literally?

From: Guy Blanchet (
Date: Mon Sep 03 2001 - 05:04:14 EDT

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    Mr. Teo,

    Have you ever noticed how often people who rush to the defence of the RC
    Church find themselves using the phrase: "You have misunderstood the
    RC's teachings..."? Isn't it amazing how easy it is to misunderstand
    the RC's teachings?

    You ask me to reconsider the RC teachings. I have reconsidered them.
    The day I stopped reconsidering those teachings is when I applied Jesus'
    teaching that 'if you seek the truth you will find it'. After studying
    the Bible for some four years and after noting deep differences between
    what it taught and what my Church (the Catholic Church) was teaching, I
    simply asked Him if I should remain where I was or go somewhere else.
    The answer was extremely quick and clear: 'Take your family and get
    out!' I got a clear answer, Mr. Teo, only because I was not afraid to
    ask a clear question, and, God knew I was ready to follow His advice.

    The people including the pastor of the Church my family and I have been
    going to for the past ten years are just as fallible as those in the
    Catholic Church. But fallible people rallied around the Word can do
    things to further the Kingdom of God that I was never made aware of
    during my forty five years with the Catholic Church.

    As a Christian, Mr. Teo, I can only incourage you to put your obvious
    sincerity to good use by digging into the Word and asking the Lord to
    explain it to you as He did for me, my family, and for many others.
    There are a lot of transformed lives out there that speak convincingly
    beyond doubt in favor of that approach.

    If you wish to continue this discussion, we may do so in private.

    Your neighbor in Christ

    Adrian Teo a écrit:

    > Guy,It seems to me that you have totally misunderstood the RC concept
    > of tradition. In RC understanding, here is absolutely no way Sacred
    > Tradition can be used to introduce "another Gospel". It has been said
    > that there are not a few hundred people who hate the RC church, but
    > millions who hate what they believe to be the RC church. I would urge
    > you to carefully study and understand RC teachings before offering
    > criticisms - I think this is a fair request that any reasonable person
    > would agree with. And just to be very clear, I mean you absolutely no
    > disrespect and harbor no hard feelings.Blessings,Adrian.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Guy Blanchet []
    > Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 2:54 AM
    > To: Howard J. Van Till
    > Cc: Vince D. Calhoun; James W Stark;
    > Subject: Re: Is Jonah to be taken literally?
    > Mr. Van Till,
    > As Mr. Murphy pointed out to me, the subject of this
    > discussion is now somewhat out of the bounds of normal ASA
    > related matters. However I will briefly answer your
    > questions.
    > Howard J. Van Till a écrit:
    > > Guy Blanchet a écrit:
    > >
    > > Mr. Van Till,
    > >
    > > You're confusing the Church of God with the
    > > Church of Rome. The arguing over whether or not
    > > Jesus was God was simply the beginnings of what
    > > the Chruch of Rome has come to refer to as
    > > Tradition. The Bible may clearly say something
    > > but Tradition may decide to 'rephrase' certain
    > > things to widen the road and give elbow room.
    > > That's what makes that institution a 'thoroughly
    > > human institution' as you say.
    > >
    > > Mr. Blanchet,
    > >
    > > Before I respond, let me be certain that I understand you
    > > correctly.
    > >
    > > (1) Are you saying that, of all Christian denominations,
    > > the Roman Catholic Church is the only one that might be
    > > described as a 'thoroughly human institution'?
    > There could be other 'Christian' denominations taking the
    > humanistic path while more or less giving an outwardly
    > appearance of following Christ.
    > >
    > >
    > > (2) Are you saying that "Tradition" (by which I presume
    > > you mean "binding ecclesiastical decisions") do not play a
    > > role in denominations other than the Roman Catholic
    > > Church?
    > >
    > Traditon is always present. It is not intrinsically wrong,
    > but in the case of the RC., Tradition has been the vehicle
    > used to progressively introduce another Gospel.
    > > (3) What do you mean by "the Church of God"?
    > > (a) A specific denomination or set of denominations?
    > > If so, what are the criteria of selection?
    > >
    > No. It is the Church that Jesus instituted while on earth;
    > the assembly of believers in Him.
    > > (b) A subset of members from several denominations? If
    > > so, what are the criteria of selection?
    > >
    > > (c) A set of persons, not necessarily members of any
    > > institutional church, who are committed to certain tenets
    > > of faith? If so, what are these tenets?
    > Those that Jesus laid out.
    > >
    > >
    > > Howard Van Till

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