Re: Response to Why YEC posting

Date: Sun Aug 26 2001 - 12:14:05 EDT

  • Next message: Vandergraaf, Chuck: "RE: Response to Why YEC posting"

    Joel Bandstra wrote:

    > Given the voting tendencies of most academics, I suppose that the "Revenge
    > of the A student" may be equally frightful.

    Actually, the one confirmed creationist I knew in
    my days as a graduate student in physics was a very
    good student. Indeed, he did very good work in
    the area of study he chose (of course that was not
    evolutionary theory). I tried to reason with him
    that it didn't matter HOW God did it, rather the
    important issue was to acknowledge THAT God did it.
    He was at least reasonable enough to recognize that
    I believe in God, and that I have chosen to follow

    In any case, such frustrating matters as banning
    the second law sound quite silly, but I suspect
    that such folly would have little to do with the
    intelligence or the grades that such people
    obtained as students. All the creationists
    I know all are very competent in their particular
    area of expertise, and I'm sure I would be able
    to count on them (in that regard).

    Let me put it this way. It is not even a question
    about being rational or irrational. It is a question
    about the way of thinking.

    In essence, the thinking in YEC starts from the
    angle that the "H. Morris view of the scriptural
    interpretation is the only correct view". (I
    realize that there may be plenty of variation on
    who is considered the great prophet of YEC thought,
    but that is irrelevant to the discussion.) If
    a scientist proposes a theory that doesn't
    agree with the "H. Morris view of scriptural
    interpretation" it MUST be wrong. Indeed,
    it is even in a sense "rational" to assume
    the opposing theory MUST be wrong because it
    began from the premise that the "H. Morris
    view of scriptural interpretation is the
    only correct view".

    Hence, I hedge that the fundamental problem is
    the issue of how one defines "authority" in
    scripture and *how* one shows respect to
    that "authority". What does it mean to say
    that "the Bible is God's Word"? What does it
    mean to be "obedient" to the "Word of God"? In
    what way does questioning the "Word of God" cross
    into rebellion, and it what way does it illuminate
    this "Word"? Questioning is _not_ evil, if the
    heart of the disciple is to seek a deeper
    understanding of his/her relationship with the Lord.
    However, I also don't see any simple answers to
    these questions, and there seem to be problems
    with any position one assumes.

    The Bible is a very important
    resource for teaching and correcting me in my
    Christian life, but God gave me a brain and
    a mind to reason with, so that does not absolve
    me from the _duty_ of thinking independently.
    At some point, that includes examining my own

    by Grace alone we proceed,

    "A thought that is not independent is a thought
    only half understood." Ludwig Wittgenstein.

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