RE: Sunday observance (was Homosexuality (a condition) and homose xual activities)

From: Vandergraaf, Chuck (
Date: Sat Aug 18 2001 - 22:33:00 EDT

  • Next message: George Hammond: "Re: symmetry"

    Thanks, George. I'm learning more about the various aspects of Lutheranism
    from you than anybody else! ;-)

    -----Original Message-----
    From: george murphy []
    Sent: Saturday August 18, 2001 7:39 PM
    To: Vandergraaf, Chuck
    Subject: Re: Sunday observance (was Homosexuality (a condition) and
    homosexual activities)

    "Vandergraaf, Chuck" wrote:

    As an aside, it is also interesting that we seem to crave rules and this is
    especially apparent in denominations like Anglican, Lutheran, Catholic and
    Greek Orthodox that rely on, what a Calvinist would call, "choreography"
    with candles that need to be lit at a specific time, "bells and smells,"

            Just a comment on the inclusion of Lutherans. It's true that some
    (& I include myself among them) are "high church" but that is not because
    worship must be done that way. As a matter of evangelical freedom, Lutheran
    worship can be as "high" or "low" church as the congregation & pastor like
    as long as the gospel is preached & the sacraments are administered in
    accord with the gospel. This is in contrast to Christians who think that
    they must have particular smells & bells and to those who think that they
    can't have them.

    George L. Murphy <>
    "The Science-Theology Interface"

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