Re: Homosexuality (a condition) and homosexual activities

From: D. F. Siemens, Jr. (
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 20:00:51 EDT

  • Next message: George Hammond: "Re: There's no 3-legged animal"

    On Sat, 18 Aug 2001 00:15:13 +0100 "iain.strachan2"
    <> writes:
    > This thread was spawned off with a general comment of mine on the
    > godlessness of society, and the way Christians compromise - the
    > other
    > example, which wasn't picked up on was the number of Christians who
    > think
    > it's OK to have sex before marriage. I'd be interested to hear your
    > views
    > on this one.
    > I feel there has been a gradual eroding of values and standards - we
    > do
    > things because the rest of society tells us it's OK. A trivial
    > example;
    > since Sunday trading was introduced in Britain, a number of
    > Christians I
    > know do go (guiltily) to shops on Sunday. Is this right, or not?
    > The fact
    > is that it's convenient. And though I don't as a rule go to shops
    > on
    > Sunday, I go to restaurants or pubs on a Sunday. Am I hypocritical
    > to do
    > this? I don't know - but it certainly is easy to slip into the
    > habits of
    > the rest of society, without considering what is the true Christian
    > perspective on this.
    > Best,
    > Iain.
    My impression is that the notion that Sunday is the Christian Sabbath is
    more Victorian than anything else, though it may have some earlier roots.
    I understand that the earliest Christians did not have a day off. The
    first day of the week was the time for worship, but services were held
    before and perhaps after the day's work. You have to recall that the
    environment for most was pagan, which seems not to have made distinction
    among days--except for special holidays. So I ascribe the matter of
    shopping, etc., on Sunday to mores, without a theological foundation.

    I understand that a day of rest is beneficial. Most workers in Western
    countries get two a week, and may get more as the 10-hour four-day work
    week is implemented. But this is the US view, for I think European
    workers already have a shorter work-week. But the rest day does not have
    to be (or include) Friday, Saturday or Sunday, Nor does everyone have to
    have it simultaneously.

    As to what an individual does, there is a principle in Romans 14 (which
    speaks also of the day, vv. 5f). What you feel you should not do, you
    should not do. On other matters, does the Word speak clearly on

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