Re: Jonah et al

From: Moorad Alexanian (
Date: Tue Aug 14 2001 - 14:54:45 EDT

  • Next message: Vandergraaf, Chuck: "RE: Jonah et al"

    I agree. Why can't we teach children that there are mysteries in our
    lives as there are in Scripture. Let us teach about Christ and Who He is and
    let us teach them also about science but realize that how the two jibe is
    part of the mystery. Who are we know claim to know it all? Moorad

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Lucy Masters <>
    To: <>

    Date: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 2:27 PM
    Subject: Jonah et al

    >Was it John who wrote...?
    >"Suppose you teach it as such to a young person, who later realizes
    >that it is simply a story. Because of this, that person may decide to
    >reject Christ, thinking that to accept him necessarily means one has to
    >accept Jonah as history also."
    >For me, the above exemplifies precisely why we should not count as
    >relevant to our faith whether or not the Bible is objective truth,
    >subjective truth, or myth. In other words, I believe we should teach
    >our young people that belief in God is much more internal and much less
    >external causation - such as the Bible. I had very little Christian
    >experience or education as a young person, yet I have always had a deep
    >faith in God. It's just "there." Teaching young people to reach inside
    >THEMSELVES to maintain their faith in God seems a much more meaningful
    >lesson than teaching them to believe in a book.
    >So what good, then, is the Bible? It is a book of instruction about how
    >to live our lives. As such, it is irrelevant whether the stories
    >"really" happened, or only "appeared" to have happened to the writers
    >(who may not have understood scientifically that which they observed).
    >Like all morality tales, the instructions remain valid.
    >Lucy Masters

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