Ecology, Theology, and Judeo-Christian Environmental Ethics

From: John M. Drake (
Date: Mon Aug 06 2001 - 11:48:06 EDT

  • Next message: Vandergraaf, Chuck: "RE: Copernicus: simply science?"

    The goal of the first Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts
    National Research Conference, "Ecology, Theology, and Judeo-Christian
    Environmental Ethics," to be held at the University of Notre Dame from
    February 21-24, 2002, is to identify where ecology, history, philosophy,
    theology intersect, and how that intersection might shape environmental
    ethics. Participants will articulate how current conceptions of nature
    each discipline confirm or alter conceptions from other disciplines.
    example, ecologists often speak now of the "flux of nature" in
    preference to
    the older metaphor of "balance of nature." The conference will address
    this shift in the scientific concept of nature should affect
    theology and ethics.

    Please see the conference website at for a complete

    conference description, a schedule of events, names of speakers, how to
    papers, and information on honoraria and subsidies.

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