[Fwd: Repost of "The God Test"]

From: George Hammond (ghammond@mediaone.net)
Date: Sun Jul 29 2001 - 09:55:58 EDT

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    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
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    George Hammond, M.S. Physics
    Email:    ghammond@mediaone.net
    Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

    attached mail follows:

    Disciple wrote: > > I posted these answers to Georges SPOG test about a year ago (under a > differant identity)... I thought it would be interesting to hear everyones > thoughts on some of these.... (BTW... I did get an excellent score, but then > I always ace tests ;) > > THE GOD TEST > > 1. What is an eigenvector? > > A. A root of a polynomial > B. A symmetry axis > C. A second derivative > D. A complex number > > ANSWER: > A. A root of a polynomial > > Finding eigenvalues is equivalent to finding roots of a special > polynomial (the characteristic polynomial).

    [Hammond] You got this one wrong, the right answer is B. You won't find this in a book and the answer is original with me. You are right about eigenvalues being the roots of the characteristic equation however. I was trying to find a simple answer to the question "what is an eigenvector"... not a pedant answer, but a practical answer. It turns out that it is symmetry in a problem that causes the eigenvectors, so I thought that was a good practical definition. An example is given by Thurstone's Box Problem in which you take all the measurements of a box, Surface Area, Volume, Diagonal lengths, Girth, etc. and form a correlation table (matrix) for them for say 50 random boxes. The eigenvectors turn out to be the 3 edges of the box, XY and Z. These of course are the 3 "symmetry axes" of the box.

    > > 2. Who discovered E, N, and P in Personality Psychometry? > > A. Louis Thurstone > B. Charles Spearman > C. Raymond B. Cattell > D. Hans Eysenck > > ANSWER: > > D. Hans Eysenck > [March 4, 1916] - [September 4, 1997] > "Crime and Personality" 1964 > > Interesting note about Eysenck: > > He took up psychology by accident, because the University of London > would not recognize his German school credits. When he asked if any > science subject was open, he was told to try psychology. He went on to > found the psychology department of the Institute of Psychiatry at the > University of London. > > Some of his earliest research involved an analysis of a psychiatric > population where two major factors were determined > > (N) Neuroticism - emotional stability versus emotional instability. > > (E) Extroversion - versus introversion. > > In 1952, he postulated a third dimension of personality: (P) > Psychoticism versus superego function.

    [Hammond] Right. I met Hans Eysenck in Montreal in 1997 I think it was, just a few years before he died. I was an invited speaker and sat next to him on the dais for 2 hours chatting about Ships and Seas and Sealing Wax and Cabbages and Kings. He had a nose like Dick Tracy, came one full inch straight out of his forehead and took a 90 degree bend straight down.... I'll never forget his face. He kept referring to me as "Dr. Hammond" in his address, and I know darn well he knew I wasn't a doctor of anything.

    > > 3. In Factor Analysis, what is a "communality"? > > A. Vector magnitude > B. Normalization factor > C. Common factor vector component > D. Eigenvalue of the correlation matrix > > ANSWER: > > C. Common factor vector component > > In the language of factor analysis, the proportion of variance of a > particular item that is due to common factors (shared with other items) > is called communality. > The proportion of variance that is unique to each item is the > respective item's total variance minus the communality

    [Hammond] Amazing, you got that right. You must have been doing some reading in Factor Analysis and have gotten pretty far into it. You realize of course you're the only one on the internet who has heard of the SPOG who could actually answer this question correctly.

    > > 4. Psychometric "g" is: > > A. A second order mental ability factor > B. The first eigenvalue in a scree plot > C. The standard deviation of IQ > D. The Factor pattern coefficient > > ANSWER: > > A. A second order mental ability factor > > "The g factor is the highest-order common factor that can be extracted > in a hierarchical factor analysis from a large battery of diverse tests > of various cognitive abilities. In fact, g, unlike any of the primary, > or first-order, factors revealed by factor analysis, cannot be > described in terms of the knowledge content of cognitive test items, or > in terms of skills, or even in terms of theoretical cognitive > processes. It is not essentially a psychological or behavioral > variable, but a biological one, a property of the brain. > > The g factor appears to be a biological property of the brain, highly > correlated with measures of information-processing efficiency, such as > working memory capacity, choice and discrimination reaction times, and > perceptual speed. It is highly heritable and has many biological > correlates, including brain size, evoked potentials, nerve conduction > velocity, and > cerebral glucose metabolic rate during cognitive activity. "

    [Hammond] Correct. It's pretty much been determined that the central biological causation of g is mental speed.. literally processing speed in bits per second. High IQ people simply think faster, and after years and years that adds up to greater knowledge besides simply more speed. At this point they can almost measure a person's IQ by measuring their "decision time" and other mental speeds using laboratory apparatus without using an actual IQ test. These speeds BTW are measured in milliseconds which is why Galton's original "punching bag" speed test did not work 100 years ago.

    > > 5. In Factor Analysis, a "higher order factor" is: > > A. An eigenvector of a communality matrix > B. A correlation matrix rotated to Simple Structure > C. An eigenvector of a Simple Structure oblique matrix > D. The eigenvector of a correlation matrix with 1's in > the diagonal. > > ANSWER: > Not sure about this one (so shoot me) > B:A correlation matrix rotated to Simple Structure > > The reduction of factor interrelationships to their patterns.

    [Hammond] No.. you got this one right earlier, a "higher order" Factor is just another name for the "common" Factor that you described above. Common Factors are called "higher order" factors because they are usually something over and above the effects being measured. For instance pressure, temperature and humidity may be found to be correlated and it may be discovered that the measurements were taken on a mountain, so that "altitude" is found to be a higher order, or common factor.

    > > 6. A Christoffel Symbol is: > > A. A measure of line curvature > B. A measure of surface curvature > C. A covariant derivative > D. A geodesic coordinate > > ANSWER: > D. A geodesic coordinate > > The equations of a geodesic are second-order differential equations > expressed in terms of Christoffel symbols and x, in which x = dx/ds. > A more geometric means of understanding the Christoffel symbol is to > note that they form the expansion coefficients of the partial > derivative of the basis vectors for a manifold

    [Hammond] No.. but you're close. The answer is actually A. It's true that the Christoffel symbols are the derivatives of the basis vectors, but these derivatives are zero unless the coordinate axes are curved. It turns out that the 2nd derivative of a curve is actually the "line curvature" of the curve = 1/radus of curvature. The Christoffel symbols are actually the "coordinate acceleration", in fact, on the Earth's surface the Christoffel symbol is simply "g", the "acceleration of gravity" = 9.8 m/sec2

    > > 7. A horse has 4 feet because of: > > A. Darwinian Natural Selection > B. Euclidean geometry > C. Genetics > D. Survival of the Fittest > > ANSWER: > > C. Genetics ?? > > What does this have to do with anything?

    [Hammond] Now you're getting close to home. Turns out it has everything to do with everything. The correct answer is B. and this is the sine qua non of SPOG. A horse has 4-feet neither because of "genetics" or "natural selection"... it turns out that it is caused by the same force that causes the body to be "3-axis cartesian", namely the Cartesian (Euclidean) structure of space itself. Because a plane is 2-dimensional Cartesian (has 2-orthogonal axes) and a horse stands on a plane, it must have 2 feet (2 points) on each axis and 2x2=4. Or to put it another way without algebra, the horse must have one foot for each quadrant of the plane. This same geometrical requirement is what CAUSES the human body to have 3-orthogonal structural axes. See:


    Where these 3 body axes are caused by the intersection of the Medial, Horizontal and Transverse septii in the vertebrate body. These 3-septii correspond to the xy, xz, and yz planes of real space itself. The body is a "cartesian coordinate system" and this is where the Cross of Christianity comes from. it causes the same structure in psychometry space, E,N,P = X,Y,Z.

    > > 8. If only one of the following is true, the most likely > answer to the question: "What is God?"; would be: > > A. A higher order Psychometric eigenvector > B. An intergalactic force field > C. An invisible man walking on a cloud > D. A supreme being in outer space > > ANSWER: > A. A higher order Psychometric eigenvector

    [Hammond] Consider yourself to be only one of about a handful of people on Earth who know this... and probably the only one other than myself who knows WHY.

    > > 9. Which of the following statements is true: > > A. The left brain is motor and the right sensory > B. The front brain is motor and the back sensory > C. The right brain is motor and the left sensory > D. The back brain is motor and the front sensory > > ANSWER: > A. The left brain is motor and the right sensory

    [Hammond] Nope... get this; the entire FRONT of the brain is MOTOR, and the BACK of the brain is SENSORY. this is known as the Bell-Magendie motor-sensory division of the brain and sits astride the CENTRAL fissure (not to be confused with the MEDIAL fissure). The medial and central fissures define the X-Y plane in the brain, and the spinal cord is the Z-axis.

    > > 10. Quadrantanopia refers to the following medical condition: > > A. Paralysis in 3 out of the 4 limbs > B. Blindness in one quadrant of the visual field > C. 5:20 vision > D. 8 out of 32 teeth missing > > ANSWER: > B. Blindness in one quadrant of the visual field

    GH: Roger that one. the day i discovered Quadrantanopia (1983).. I knew I had discovered God.

    > > 11. The "Secular Trend" in biology is: > > A. The historical increase in Atheism > B. The historical increase in human height > C. The historical increase in Global temperature > D. The historical increase in human population > > ANSWER: > > None of the above. > The term "secular trend" in biology or anywhere else simply > means "Changes over a long period of time", generally years or decades. > However, I am pretty sure you are talking about The historical increase > in human height. That will be my answer, but I do want to point out > that it is not the "right" answer. > > B. The historical increase in human height

    [Hammond] Right, I was referring to height... but the Secular Trend is actually a reference to "overall" growth, including notably the brain also.

    > > 12. The Two Party System (Right wing vs. Left wing) > is more likely caused by (pick one): > > A. Blacks vs. whites > B. Males vs. females > C. Irish vs. English > D. Left brain vs. Right brain > > ANSWER: > D. Left brain vs. Right brain

    [Hammond] Right, and again, I'm the only one who knows this apparently.

    > > Hmmm... that one was a no brainer. Or was it a right brainer? > > 13. The most likely physical cause of the > conjecture of "life after death", is: > > A. Psychological warfare > B. The phenomena of nocturnal dreams > C. A massive historical conspiracy > D. The desire for revenge > > ANSWER: > B. The phenomena of nocturnal dreams > > Actually, there is no *physical* cause of the conjecture "life after > death", and to say that it is caused by nocturnal dreams is really > stretching the imagination.

    [Hammond] Right, no physical reason for this historical speculation has ever been identified... it is only my opinion that "dreams" were probably the origin of it, if anything. BTW, you do realize that the SPOG says NOTHING about the question of Life After Death (LAD). This is going to be a problem when SPOG finally hits the streets.

    > > 14. Including time; space has how many dimensions?: > > A. 1 > B. 2 > C. 3 > D. 4 > > ANSWER: > D. 4

    GH: Correct (Einstein)

    > > Well, 4 observable dimensions anyway. Though cosmologistst now > speculate that at the beginning the Universe could have had 11 > dimensions... > > 15. Which scientist first described the vertebrate > body as a 3-axis mechanical structure, and dubbed > it "the Archetype", and was viciously persecuted > by the Darwinians because he said the structure was > "immune to Evolution"? (hint: he also coined the > word Dinosaur): > > A. Newton > B. Sir Richard Owen > C. Mendel > D. Lamarck > > ANSWER: > B. Sir Richard Owen > > Impressed by how well-designed organisms were for their environments, > Owen believed that they changed over time, but did not believe in the > evolutionary theories of his day -- Lamarck's transmutation or Darwin's > natural selection. Instead he maintained that the dominant life forms > in earth's history had arisen through special creation, without > ancestors. When depicting dominant life forms of the Mesozoic, he used > distinctly mammalian articulations, to demonstrate their closer > affinity with the dominant life forms of the Age of Mammals rather than > lowly reptiles to today.

    [Hammond] Owen actually discovered the "Cartesian Anatomy" theory before I did... and he DEFINITELY thought it has something to do with God... and was viciously attacked by the Darwinians because of it... turns out he was right.

    > > 16. The bilateral symmetry of the human body > is caused by?: > > A. Evolution > B. Natural Selection > C. Genetics > D. The Bilateral cleavage of the egg > > ANSWER: > C. Genetics > > We are endowed phylogenetically to recognize and exploit right-left > symmetry in our environments. This experience is incorporated in our > genetic endowment not by Lamarckian mechanisms but by mechanisms of > selection for fitness: those organisms that are bilaterally symmetric > and are endowed to recognize bilateral symmetry are fitter; their > differential replication is higher, indeed so much higher that they are > the only members of the species to survive.

    [Hammond] Genetics loses again... it's caused by the first cleavage of the Egg, a fact discovered by Wilhelm Roux in 1888, and again he like Owen was viciously attacked by pro Darwinian forces fearing someone was going to discover proof of God.

    > > 17. In primitive (mosaic) eggs, killing one cell in the 2-cell stage > can produce: > > A. An animal with no neck > B. An animal with no brain > C. An animal with no head > D. Half of an animal > > ANSWER: > Not sure, I am going to hazard a guess and say it would be: > > B. An animal with no brain

    [Hammond] No; D., this is Roux's experiment mentioned above. In fact in primitive animals (mosaic eggs), you can actually separate the 2 cells of the two cell stage and get a 2 mirror symmetric half embryos.

    > > 18. Miniature "Ming Trees" are produced by: > > A. Genetic alteration > B. Hybridization > C. Growth stunting > D. Mechanical compression > > ANSWER: > C. Growth stunting

    [Hammond] Right, I understand they are now called "Bonzai trees".

    > > 19. A cube has how many (rotational) symmetry axes: > > A. 3 > B. 7 > C. 10 > D. 13 > > ANSWER: > D. 13 > > three 4-fold axes, each of which passes through the centers of two > opposite faces, > four 3-fold axes, each of which passes through two opposite vertices, > and > six 2-fold axes, each of which passes through the midpoints of two > opposite edges.

    [Hammond] Correct.

    > > 20. How many gods were there in the Greco-Roman > (Olympian) pantheon: > > A. 3 > B. 7 > C. 10 > D. 13 > > ANSWER: > C. 10 > Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Athena, Hephaestus, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, > Aphrodite and Ares

    [Hammond] Close, but no cigar. The answer is supposed to be 13 same as the answer to the previous question. Turns out the 13 2nd order Factors are cubically intercorrelated, and represent (among other things) the 13 Gods of the Greco-Roman-Egyptian pantheon. I have suggested my choices in the following list (note, I have added Chronos, the god of Time as the 14th, non cubic, factor):

    Roman God Description Greek God

    1. Jupiter - King of the Gods Zeus 2. Juno - Queen of the Gods Hera 3. Neptune - God of the Sea Poseidon 4. Pluto - God of Death Hades Apollo - God of the Sun (***) 5. Diana - Goddess of the Moon Artemis 6. Mars - God of War Ares 7. Venus - Goddess of Love Aphrodite Cupid - God of Love Eros 8. Mercury - Messenger of the Gods Hermes 9. Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom Athene 10. Ceres - The Earth Goddess Demeter Proserpine - Goddess of the Persephone Underworld 11. Vulcan - The Smith God Hephaestus 12. Bacchus - God of Wine Dionysus 13. Saturn - God of Time Cronos 14. Vesta - Goddess of the Home Hestia Janus - God of Doors *** Uranus - Father of Saturn *** Maia - Goddess of Growth *** Flora - Goddess of Flowers *** (see Maia) Plutus - God of Wealth *** (see Pluto)

    > > 21. What is a "concubine": > > A. A highly fortified cubical enclave traditionally > built by Buddhist Pilgrims > B. Acute neotenic sexual development cultivated by > psychological exploitation for Harems > C. A small Porcupine > D. Afterburner of an axial flow jet engine > > ANSWER: > C. A small Porcupine > > ROFLMAO

    GH: Yeah... I thought Porcupine was pretty funny too.

    > > 22. If every cell in your brain only reached 85% of it's > theoretical genetic size, due to the Secular Trend, > this would most likely cause: > > A. A 15% loss of mental speed > B. The Flynn Effect in IQ > C. Belief in the existence of a supreme being > who had 100% of his brain > D. All of the above > > ANSWER: > D: All of the above

    GH: Roger

    > > 23. Aboriginal tribes produce "shrunken heads" in > order to illustrate: > > A. Diminished burial space in the community > B. The historical braingrowth stunting of Man which is > the direct physical cause of God > C. The persecution of malnutrition stunted people > D. The aboriginal version of "customizing" cars > > ANSWER: > D. The aboriginal version of "customizing" cars > > I know you are going to say B. (or at least I am 85% sure of it).. but > I don't recall ever seeing anything of the sort.

    [Hammond] Yes, my answer is B. I can't believe you are not of the opinion that savages are well aware of answer B., in my opinion they are aware of it. Certainly the term "pinhead" or the conical "dunce cap" indicates the same relationship of a small head to reduced intelligence.

    > > 24. The existence of the Secular Trend indicates > among other things: > > A. That there is no limit to increasing human size > B. That in the distant past we were all midgets > C. That there is a predetermined genetic size for > every person and that no one has ever reached it > D. Human size is strictly genetic > > ANSWER: > C. That there is a predetermined genetic size for > every person and that no one has ever reached it

    [Hammond] Correct. I dunno why this is so difficult for some people to see?

    > > 25. The vertebrate body has 3 orthogonal skeletal axes > because: > > A. Space itself has 3 orthogonal structural axes > B. Genetics > C. Natural Selection > D. Survival of the Fittest > > ANSWER: > A. Space itself has 3 orthogonal structural axes

    GH: Correct.

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics
    Email:    ghammond@mediaone.net
    Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

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