From: Guy Blanchet (
Date: Thu Jul 26 2001 - 06:13:33 EDT

  • Next message: Bert Massie: "Miller"

    Mr. Hammond,

    What you have in fact proven in essence is that:
    1. George Hammond exists
    2. George Hammond is God

    This is not an uncommon finding. Many prople make the same discovery about
    themselves. The only difference is that you have put more work into
    convincing yourself of that. Like all these people you are a very proud
    person who takes immense pleasure in glorifying and exalting yourself. You
    and all the others are the unfortunate sterotype depicted in the Bible as the
    false teachers/prophets. <<Many will follow their (false teachers') shameful
    ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.>>2 Peter 2: 2.

    George, the reason God put you on earth is because He loves you and thinks you
    have what it takes to ultimately accept His plan of salvation. Immerse
    yourself in His Word and make the right choice. Don't wait too long. It's up
    to you and God's grace...and His grace is just waiting for you to bend down
    from your lofty height and take it.


    George Hammond a écrit:

    > [Hammond]
    > As most of you know by now, Hammond has advanced the discovery
    > of a scientific proof of God (SPOG), 1997.
    > This discovery is not some Philosophy Department production
    > based on thousand year old logic.... no it is a modern Physics
    > Department discovery based on:
    > 1. 120 years of Psychometry and Factor Analysis
    > 2. 100 years of Neuroscience.
    > 3. 150 years of Biology, Embryology and Anatomy.
    > 4. 85 years of Relativity.
    > 5. 50 years of multinational study of the Secular Trend.
    > 4. 4,000 year history of World Religion.
    > IOW, it is a rigorous hard science axiomatic proof, which has been
    > experimentally confirmed- that there is a REAL GOD.
    > Eventually, after this result becomes confirmed by the world scientific
    > establishment, we will see the emergence of a NEW RELIGION.
    > More specifically what we will see is a movement to overhaul the
    > Christian Religion. It is expected that the discovery of the SPOG
    > will have the following major results for Christianity and World
    > Religion in general:
    > 1. The Christian Religion will no longer be considered
    > to be founded on the Bible, the Crucifixion, or on
    > Moses and Jesus of Nazareth, but in fact will be
    > founded on modern science. Mainly the scientific
    > Proof of God. Of course the Bible will not be
    > discarded, it will merely take a second position to
    > the modern scientific proof of God and be considered
    > a historical reference.
    > 2. All major world Religions will be recognized as coequal
    > in legitimacy, canonical truth and salvatory power, since
    > all of them have now been confirmed to be based on the SPOG.
    > A World Ecumenical movement is expected to incorporate all
    > the major World Religions into one WORLD RELIGION, with the
    > former separate Religions now being as "Denominations" of
    > said World Religion. All are presently de facto unified by
    > the scientific proof of God, the 4-Gospel Canon, and the
    > Trinity.... all of which can be found in all of the major
    > World Religions.
    > 3. The Cross of Christianity will be universally
    > scientifically recognized as the "Cartesian
    > Coordinate System" of modern Science, and the
    > body of Christ, eventually will be removed from
    > all Christian Crusifii at the request of Judaism.
    > The Cross shall remain forever, but no longer with
    > a dead human body nailed to it. Various forms of the
    > Cross, the Cube (Kabbaka), the Mandalic Quadrature,
    > the Star of David, the Yin Yang and other Cross
    > related geometric forms will signify the various world
    > Denominations and be considered coequal and unified
    > together with the Cross of Christianity.
    > 4. The 4-Gospel Canon, and the Trinity shall now become
    > universal having having now obtained a proven scientific
    > basis provided by the SPOG. These forms have been identified
    > in all the major World Religions.
    > 5. Antisemitism and all other forms of religious persecution
    > will come to a historic halt because of the unification of
    > the World's Religions, and the universal recognition that
    > the God of every Religion is one and the same God, and has
    > now been scientifically discovered and proven.
    > Apparently this religious movement has already began in the U.S. with
    > the CREATIONIST MOVEMENT and will continue to grow as other Fundamentalist
    > groups join the movement to overhaul modern Science and it's apparent
    > ignorance of God, and to overhaul Christianity itself in view of the
    > new discovery of the scientific proof of God. Not only will all of the
    > World's Religions be finally unified, Religion and Science are finally to
    > be unified also.
    > I urge every concerned religious person, and scientist to give some
    > serious thought to this prospect, and the deep historical significance it
    > will have on human welfare, world peace, and the progress of civilization.
    > In view of the impending Energy Shortage, the population problem, the
    > world ecology problem, the new arms race in outer space, the need for
    > a stable world in an age of coming nuclear power generation etc., it
    > appears that this miracle may be coming just in the nick of time. Please
    > do all you can to support and call for a competent scientific evaluation
    > of the discovery of the SPOG.
    > George Hammond, Hyannis, July 18, 2001
    > --
    > Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    > news service provider to add alt.sci.proof-of-god
    > -----------------------------------------------------------
    > George Hammond, M.S. Physics
    > Email:
    > Website:
    > -----------------------------------------------------------

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