From: George Hammond (
Date: Sun Jul 22 2001 - 01:31:56 EDT

  • Next message: Preston Garrison: "Re: More on the coming oil crisis"

    NOTE: afjc and alt.atheism may be wondering why I'm crossposting
          a scientific proof of God to them. Well, to be brief I have
          found intelligence to be more useful than belief when it comes
          to this sort of thing and atheists have a high reputation for
          intelligence and logic, and I need all of that I can find.

                    SYNOPSIS OF SPOG

    Someone has recently criticized me for not presenting SPOG in a
    simple and lucid style. Perhaps this may be more lucid:

      For a long time Psychometry has known that there are 3 well
    known factors in Personality Psychometry named E, N and P.
    However, no one knew what caused them. In fact the whole
    field was searching for the biological cause of them.
      In 1994 Hammond published an amazing paper in which he showed
    that E,N and P were actually caused by the 3-Axis Geometry of the
    Brain itself (Hammond, 1994). One Factor for each space axis of
    the brain.
      Little did Hammond suspect at the time, that within 3 years this
    discovery would lead him to the world's first and only, scientific
    proof of God.
      Three years later, in 1997, Hammond discovered that Cattell had
    reported 4-Factors, not 3. Investigating, Hammond discovered that
    Cattell was including IQ (called "g" by the experts) as a 4th Factor.
    Realizing immediately that because it was known that IQ is caused by
    Mental Speed, that this was a "time" axis, whereas the other 3 Factors
    were "space" axes, Hammond realized that the whole of Psychology was
    "axiomatically" encompassed by 4-Factors, and the reason was that
    the 4 dimensions of space (x,y,z,t) were causing the 4 dimensions of
    Psychometry via the geometry of the brain.
      With this, he immediately knew that the metric of real space caused the
    Metric of Psychometry space, and therefore there had to be a single higher
    order factor in Psychometric space which was the mathematical equivalent
    of Einstein's curvature- Gravity. Sure enough, this curvature had been
    detected by Cattell and the 4th order Factor detected.
      Simple investigation with these new results soon identified the
    Secular Trend in brain growth as the direct biological cause of this
    4th order factor.. the factor that was caused by Gravity.
      Knowing that the 4th order factor was "axiomatic physics" and that it
    was caused directly by brain growth, and ultimately by Gravity.. it was
    immediately clear that the newly discovered Factor, was in fact what the
    Human Race had been calling "God" for the past 5,000 years.
      Variable brain growth causes "miracles" because it visibly alters
    the size and speed of the World ("quickeneth the flesh" as the Bible
    says). Moreover, the Secular Trend is a direct experimental measure
    of Man's historical progress towards the "Kingdom of God". In fact,
    the theory explained the entire structure and history of all known
      Today, 4 years after this stunning discovery, the entire complex of
    thousands of details, every piece of the puzzle has been found, and the
    result confirmed beyond any shadow of a doubt... the "scientific proof
    of God" (SPOG) has been found. And for the first time in history,
    man can confidently answer the question, "is there a God"... and the
    answer is yes, there really is a real God.

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics

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