How God Created Himself

From: George Hammond (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 15:37:24 EDT

  • Next message: George Hammond: "THE NEW RELIGION"

    How God created Himself- FAQ

    OK my friend... it's obvious there's no use arguing with you heuristically.
    So allow me to let the cat out of the bag, let me tell a tale out of
    school, let me just give it to you in plain English:

            A. Perfect Man is "God"
            B. The only reason this triviality is controversial
                is because Man is "20% invisible" because of the
                Secular Trend.... hence and "invisible God".
            C. As far as a baby is concerned, he feels that
                "he created himself" when he was born.
            D. Homo Sapiens Sapiens are only 40,000 years old
                (Isaac Asimov, _Beginnings_, Ch. 7, 1st paragraph).
                This means H.s.s. believes (or "sees") that he
                "Created himself, "6,000" years ago [actually 40K]",
                when his species was "born".
            E. Since a baby believes that he "created reality" by
                being born, so does H.s.s. believe that he "created
                the Universe" when his Species was "born".
            F. Since "God" in common parlance refers to the mysterious
                20% of us that is missing, we say "God created the
                Universe", and likewise, since "God" is only the
                20% of Man that is missing... the supernaturally
                ACTIVE part of Man, we see that Perfect (100% grown)
                Man is actually God, and since we "created ourselves",
                that: GOD CREATED HIMSELF.
            F. This is in fact true, and is what the Bible is all
                about, and the SPOG is simply a Psychometric and
                Relativistic PROOF, to two decimal points, that
                the above is true.

    Now, if you can't at least "comprehend" that, you're simply acting
    obtuse. If you want to take issue as to whether the SPOG proves
    it according to contemporary hard science standards, I would be
    glad to discuss that with you as far as you are able. But will not
    entertain dispute and argument further than you are professionally
    qualified, although I will certainly accept unlimited "inquiry"
    from anyone who is serious and will abstain from sheer polemicism.

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics

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