From: George Hammond (
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 19:20:02 EDT

  • Next message: Stein A. Strømme: "Re: SPOG FOR THE PRACTICAL SCIENTIST"

    NOTE: The original post to which this thread refers may be
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    John W Burgeson wrote:
    > >>Psychometry uses computers to investigate psychology theory. In fact,
    > today, being now 100 years old, it is about the only part of nonmedical
    > Psychology that is considered actually "scientific". It produced the IQ
    > test for instance.>>
    > Are you saying (I think you are) that the IQ test is somehow a fairly
    > valid measurement of something? Have you read Stephen Gould's analysis of
    > this in his (excellent) MISMEASURE OF MAN? Particularly the most recent
    > edition of it?
    > What Gould claims is that the IQ test is a very good measure of how well
    > a person will score on the next IQ test he takes, but not of much use
    > otherwise.

      Well, you have to realize that Stephen J. Gould is just as infuriated
    as I or any other self respecting scientist would be over the abuse
    of IQ testing, Genetics, Quantum Theory and all the rest of it.
      S.J. however is a commanding author and a public figure, as well
    as president of the American Scientific Society or something. I am
    only a cloistered beady eyed scholar examining the theory and data.
      Therefore his approach to protecting the public from IQ testing
    abuse might be more political and pragmatic while he's waiting for
    guys like me to find the scientific remedy. I claim I've found it,
    but obviously S.J. is not going to be talking to me until the rest of
    the scientific community brings it to his attention. And that may be
    awhile at the rate I'm going.
      The problem with "IQ" is of course that it correlates highly with
    social class.. and therefore it becomes a weapon of class warfare...
    absolutely the last thing we need rolling around on the deck for some
    incompetents to get their hands on.
      Meanwhile the SPOG has the solution to the problem built into it,
    since it shows that there are actually 2-components to Intelligence,
    one genetic (class) and one developmental (inverse class). In other
    words, the data shows that the lower classes are actually more physically
    (and mentally) developed than the upper classes, mainly of course by
    virtue of their higher birth rate and death rate.. they are farther along
    the Secular Trend curve than the upper classes.
      Increased development however shows up as increased motor speed rather
    than sensory speed, because the lower classes are motor brain biased
    while the upper classes are sensory brain biased. An "IQ-test" only
    measures "sensory mental speed", but it is shown that TGA (true general
    intelligence) is the vector sum of motor mental speed and sensory
    mental speed. Right now however, there is not known test for "motor
    intelligence" other than a baseball or football stadium.
      Now, the lower classes know about this, and they are mad about
    "IQ-tests" being used to discriminate against them.. and BTW, God bless
    them, they are also aware that ivory tower professors are generally
    unaware of it, so they have mercifully shown forbearance towards
    the academic community. But in the end, it is guys like S.J. who
    are in charge of keeping a lid on the problem since you've got dozens
    of unsuspecting academics like Murray and Herrnstein running around
    telling everybody that Whites are more intelligent than Blacks without
    being aware of the full story.. which the general public, who accepts
    "all men are created equal", have long since have decided is a bunch
    of disruptive and dangerous theatricalism.

    > John Burgeson (Burgy)
    > (science/theology, quantum mechanics, baseball, ethics,
    > humor, cars, God's intervention into natural causation, etc.)

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics

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