From: George Hammond (ghammond@mediaone.net)
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 15:30:17 EDT

  • Next message: Stein A. Strømme: "Re: SPOG FOR THE PRACTICAL SCIENTIST"


      While arguing with Metaphysics Logicians is a necessary part
    of Life, like "giving at the office" and "signing get well
    cards", as you know it has no practical significance since
    it has been long ago recognized that Metaphysics is simply
    the application of logical rules to word definitions. Such,
    an activity, like novel mathematics, is KNOWN to produce results
    which have no relevance whatsoever to actual physical reality.
      Therefore, I would like to take time out and talk to the
    "practical scientist" for a minute, where the practical scientist
    is taken to be the person who agrees that theories must be
    amenable to experimental test and must produce practical utilitarian
    results, otherwise they are of no interest to the great body of of
    the human race. OK, what I am saying is that the SPOG (scientific
    proof of God) is in fact a matter for the practical scientist.
      In the first place we have the following facts:

    1. Modern Science (Physics) does not
        recognize the existence of a "God".

    2. Physics does not say there isn't a God,
        they just say they have no proof of a "God".

    3. Hammond (1994, 97) has advanced that Physics is
        now WRONG, that in fact a scientific (Physics)
        proof, and explanation, of "God" has been found.

    4. Therefore, we must now bring this matter before
        the "practical scientist" for consideration.

      So, here we will give a "practical explanation" of
    what "God" is, according to this new discovery, and we
    will expressly avoid any "metaphysical ramifications" and
    only lay stress on the "practical scientific" facts. In
    other words, this is the basic "nuts and bolts" version of
    what "God" has been discovered to be in terms of "practical
      As a practical scientist, you know that many if not most
    scientific discoveries are generally accidents where some
    scientist stumbles on an amazing scientific fact.. for instance
    the discovery of the constant speed of light, the discovery of
    x-rays, the discovery of atoms and electrons etc. etc. Well, the
    discovery of the SPOG is no different. In the early 90's Hammond
    made just such an amazing scientific discovery in Psychometry.
      Psychometry uses computers to investigate psychology theory. In
    fact, today, being now 100 years old, it is about the only part
    of nonmedical Psychology that is considered actually "scientific".
    It produced the IQ test for instance.
      Psychometry uses Factor Analysis, which is computerized Linear
    Algebra. It's exactly the same type of math that is used in
    Quantum Mechanics by the way. It's a simple, and fascinating
    principle actually, quite widely known in scientific circles.
      The way it originated in Psychology is this. Someone back in
    the 1930's suggested that if there was a real "Structure" to
    Psychology, then it must have become encoded in the English
    language. They proposed that someone go through an unabridged
    dictionary and pick out every adjective used to describe anything
    "psychological" about someone; words like:

    exuberant, solitary, skeptical, tolerant, pugnacious, modest,
    impatient, finicky, clever, gentle, precise, lenient, witty,
    tempestuous, greedy, irritable, sneaky, aggressive, nonchalant,
    resolute, docile, creative, intrusive, obdurate, hidebound,

    It turns out there are 4,000 of these in the average dictionary.
    The theory was, that if there is anything identifiable psychologically
    about people, a word has probably been made up to describe it in
    the past thousands of years of language development.
      OK, then here is where the Linear Algebra and computer theory
    comes in. The first thing they do is get the list down to say
    500-1000 adjectives, something manageable by throwing out all the
    obscure ones. Then they Xerox copy the list with a scale of -5
    to +5 next to each word, and then give it as an "adjective
    checklist" to say, 5,000 people. Each person is supposed to check
    a number between -5 and +5 as to how well each world describes himself.
      OK, then they take the 5,000 tests and they compute the "correlation
    coefficient" between each word. This is a simple arithmetic process
    whereby if a person gave two words a high score, the "correlation"
    between those two words would be high, but if for instance people
    checking "mean" -5, also checked "kind" +5, there would be zero
    correlation between the two words. Words like "happy" and "glad"
    for instance would be apt to have a high correlation. Anyway, what
    you wind up with is a 1000x1000 correlation matrix showing the
    correlation coefficients between any two words, for the 5,000 people.
      Next comes the interesting part. It is well known that all real
    symmetric matrices possess eigenvalues and eigenvectors (see any math
    text). Using large computers they can extract the eigenvalues and
    eigenvectors from the 1000x1000 matrix. And, they can plot the
    eigenvectors (which are vectors) as a graphical diagram. The first
    thing they discovered is that there are only 13-eigenvectors. This
    has been confirmed by decades of research, not only using adjectives,
    but using questionnaire tests and experimental data too. And what is
    more amazing, is that these 13-eigenvectors, when plotted graphically
    in 3D space, actually form a PERFECT CUBE. That's right; a cube is
    known of course to have 13 symmetry axes, and would you believe one
    eigenvector lies on each of the 13 symmetry axes of a CUBE!
      Well, of course this is an amazing discovery. Where is the CUBE
    coming from, is the first obvious question?
      No one knew where the CUBE came from until HAMMOND published an
    amazing paper in 1994:
    in the peer reviewed literature, explaining where the cube came from.
      His stunning discovery, quite unespected by the way, is that the CUBE
    in Psychometry comes from the 3-Axis Cartesian Geometry of the Human
    Body and Brain itself. At last the mystery of Psychometry was solved.
    This discovery by Hammond, is known as the discovery of the Structural
    Model in Psychology by the way. So this is the stunning and amazing
    scientific discovery that I mentioned at the beginning. However, this
    was not the "accident" that yielded the scientific proof of God (SPOG).
      Three years later, Hammond was still investigating this feat of Physics
    in the Psychology field, when a historic accident took place. Hammond
    was writing another paper detailing how the CUBIC brain structure
    explained all of the data in Psychometry, when he noticed that Cattell
    had found 4-Factors, not 3, at the third order. He then noticed that the
    4th Factor was not a Personality factor like the other 3, but that Cattell
    had included "Mental Ability" (IQ) questionnaires as well. BTW, it is
    well known that Psychometry is divided into two fields, Intelligence (IQ)
    and Personality. The IQ test was developed between 1900 and 1935 using
    paper and pencil methods of Factor Analysis. Later, after the invention
    of computers, they turned the method on to Personality and discovered the
    3 Factors (E,N,P) in Personality, which turn out to be the 3 Normal axes
    of the CUBE in Psychometry space.
      OK, so what Hammond realized at that moment, is that not only the
    3-spacial axes of the brain were involved, but that also the
    was involved, because IQ (intelligence) is known to be caused by mental
      Now this is of special significance, since Hammond had already discovered
    that it was the 3-axes of real space that caused the 3-axis structure of
    the human body and brain. Now what he realized is that all 4-dimensions
    of spacetime caused the 4 main dimensions of Psychometry. The implications
    of this were ASTOUNDING. What it meant is that there was a 4x4 "Metric"
    in Psychometry space that was directly CAUSED by the 4x4 Metric of real
    spacetime (the Einsteinian spacetime metric). Sure enough, mathematics
    immediately confirmed it. There was a single higher order factor of
    Cattell's 4x4 Metric, and this, mathematically, was caused by the
    higher order factor of the 4x4 spacetime metric, which is well known to
    be GRAVITY.
      Several things were immediately apparent. First of all, since a 4x4
    matrix can only have one higher order factor, it meant the whole of
    Psychology came to a screeching halt in a single factor at the 4th order.
    What was this factor... that was the $64 dollar question.
      Within days,, Hammond discovered (quite easily) that the single 4th
    order factor was caused by "percentage of brain growth".. in particular,
    by the celebrated SECULAR TREND in human growth which has been known for
    50 years.
      Hammond, who had been suspicious since the day he discovered that
    Psychometry ended in a single factor, immediately realized that the
    conclusion was inescapable, the single 4th order factor, the "last factor"
    in Psychology, was what we (the human race) has been calling "GOD"
    for over 5,000 years. The world's first scientific proof of God (SPOG)
    had been discovered. To Hammond's utter amazement, he had discovered
    that there REALLY IS A GOD.
      Further research since those fateful days in February 1997 have confirmed
    beyond all possible doubt that the 4th order factor is real, that it is
    the "God" of history and the Bible, and that it is caused by Gravity.
    there is a real God, just as real as Gravity.
      Well, that's it for the PRACTICAL SCIENTIST. What this all means is that
    the human brain is the vehicle that "sees reality", but because the
    Secular Trend shows that there is no such thing as a person with a 100%
    fully grown brain, therefore no one sees 100% of reality. The actual
    figure is probably more like 85%. Moreover, since this percentage is
    VARIABLE from person to person, and even varies during one's lifetime,
    what we actually see in life is a "variable reality", and this variation
    in reality is called "God". There certainly is a God, and "He"
    certainly is real. "God" is just this power of the man who can see 100%
    of reality, and he is latent in our partially grown brains, and He is
    absolutely real, and has absolute power over the human race because he
    has the power to control what anyone can see.
      In conclusion, the practical scientist can see how this can explain
    all of the Metaphysical baloney discussions that we hear about, about
    "creation",about "miracles", about "Heaven" etc. etc. It's all TRUE.
    But the practical scientist will see immediately that the PRACTICAL result
    all this is not explaining the mysteries of Metaphysics, what the practical
    aspect of it is, is to let 6-Billion inhabitants of this world know for
    a FACT that there really is a God, that Religion (including Christianity)
    is TRUE, and that all the lectures about being good, honest, fair,
    optimistic, non corrupt etc. etc. are actually scientific truth, since it
    has now been proven that there is a REAL GOD.
      The PRACTICAL IMPACT of this discovery is that it will alter the course
    of world social behavior, empower the average man and the masses, force
    better less corrupt government to appear, increase the chances of peace
    and cooperative human global behavior and enable human progress generally.
    I hope you, the practical scientist, will take the time to realize that
    something new and practical is about to appear on the scientific scene.
    HAMMOND, 7-10-2001, Hyannis

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics
    Email:    ghammond@mediaone.net
    Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

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