Re: Watershed

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 18:36:22 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: Ice caps and YEC"


    I am unable to confirm either of your references. Please check.


    Vernon wrote:
    > In a message dated 07/02/2001 2:15:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
    > writes:
    > << It seems to me that your 'stunningly impressive suggestion' of a name
    > having the value 616 cannot, of itself, lead the rational and unbiased
    > mind to voice the considered opinion that the verse was necessarily of
    > divine origin. >>
    > I am not sure what the "rational and unbiased mind" is, or even if one
    > exists. but let me try the same question with a different text:
    > In Psa 22:3 (4 Hebrew), David speaks of being saved "from my enemies." This
    > phrase is spelled waw, mem, nun, and a second word aleph, yod, beth, yod. In
    > I Sam 22:1 ff is the same Psalm, but in v. 4, this phrase is represented by
    > one word, so the nun is missing. One is the inspired original, the other is a
    > scribal change. So now the queston is: If a clever person by various
    > mathematical processes found a pattern of some kind (whether to do with pi,
    > e, triangles or whatever) which was a stunningly impressive, but it was based
    > upon the scribal change rather than the inspired original, would that pattern
    > show that this Bible verse was of divine origin----even
    > though it was not based on the original letters inspired by God?
    > Sincerely,
    > Paul

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